Bad News Game

This week we were tasked to play a browser based game that walks you through different scenarios where your job is to gain followers without hurting your credibility too much. You gain followers by creating fake news and playing with people’s emotions and fear. My final score was 6,559 followers with solid credibility. There were multiple multimedia learning principles used for this game. For example, Feedback principle was used if you made a good or bad choice. Personalization principle was used as the game presentation was done in a conversational style. Lastly, signaling principle was used as there were cues to highlight the key methods to choose from. However, the game could be improved if the users had the opportunity to explain their choices as that was one of the multimedia principle missing in the game.
My Sketchnote
For my sketchnote, I decided to use one of my CSC 375 – Introduction to Systems Analysis lecture document to make a sketchnote on.

Sketchnote is a great way to help students understand and remember core components of a lecture. This can also be useful for students to revise content that they will be studying for an exam. Multimedia principle, split-attention principle and modality principle are all good examples of why sketchnote helps students learn and understand content more efficiently. Sketchnote contains both pictures and words which benefits students with absorbing information. Sketchnote is also a form of active learning as students needs to summarize and sketch based on their understanding.
In this class, we have been using multiple tools like video editing applications, google map stories and even play a game based on approach to disinformation. Sketchnote helps students regain knowledge and understand content that were covered during a lecture. It saves students time and help them remember the learning materials after long time for example before a final exam.
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